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Ownership Change

Whether you are looking to buy an established and operating RTO or take on an investor by issuing shares, ANY form of significant ownership change will trigger and ASQA audit.

Pre-Purchase Due Diligence Audit

Bluedge RTO Consulting is able to assist you in the due diligence phase of your RTO purchase by conducting a Pre Purchase audit of the RTO.  This is an investment that has saved clients hundreds of thousands of dollars and given them a clear picture of the upsides and the downsides to the RTO they are interested in purchasing.

We provide a full written audit against all ASQA standards to ensure you know what your are buying and your investment is protected.

Before bringing investors onboard and issuing shares in your company, ensure that you have the RTO prepared for any audit that is triggered by a change to shareholding.  It goes in good stead to be able to provide potential investors the security of a certified auditor's report that the RTO is compliant and operating according to the standards.
To learn more email us here and we will have some reach out and talk you through the process.
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